Welcome to Andrea D'Signs Blog!

Welcome to Andrea D'Signs Blog!

Hi there,

Im so glad you stopped by. If you happened to land here onto this blog post by accident and you do not know anything about me, my name is Andrea. Welcome to my blog! (If you hopped on here via my social media or email list, thanks for being here.) I am a watercolor artist and I just love painting florals. 
Artist - Andrea
I was born and raised in Mumbai, India. I am the youngest of 4 children and I have  3 nieces and 3 nephews. My siblings live in 3 separate countries. Two of us live in Asia and the other two live in North America. Despite the distance, we are very close as a family.
I was always creatively inclined as a child. I dabbled in drawing and watercolor abstracts as a child as well as hand embroidery while I was still in high school. I chose to study fashion design in college, but I didn't take it up as a career. I opted to go out and get a regular job and worked with a reputed cellphone service provider initially and later on with FedEx India for many years.
My husband and I were blessed with our elder son in 2010. In 2011, we moved to Singapore and have been here ever since. My younger son was born in 2013. When my kids were just getting into kindergarten, I started dabbling with baking cakes. This wasn't completely new to me, because as a kid, I had always watched my mum bake cakes very often. [I just watched :), I didn't try baking myself until 2013.] In her free time, my mum completed a patisserie course and I remember helping her with the dough for croissants and cake batter for so many different types of cakes.
When I did try my hand at baking here in Singapore, I realised that I loved baking a lot. With close friends enjoying my baked goods and tons of encouragement, I ventured into making custom cakes. That lasted for a few years. I gave it up because creating custom cakes in the Singapore heat, felt like I was fighting a losing battle. :)  [Here's one of my fave cakes that I had baked for a sweet little boy who turned 1.]
Cut to 2020, during the pandemic lockdown, I enrolled myself in Stephanie Fahrenbach's 5 day watercolor florals workshop called Show me your Florals. That course was a game changer. [This was one of my first paintings from that workshop.]
Needless to say I was hooked. I just couldn't get enough. I painted consistently since then and I haven't stopped since. lol. I made so many artist friends through that course. The art community was so encouraging.
My love for flowers was inherited from my mother. She loved having fresh flowers around the house. I love doing the same even now and I guess my passion for painting florals stems from there.  
I launched my art business, Andrea D'Signs in 2022, after much deliberation. I sold on Etsy for a while but I knew that I couldn't stall setting up a website for too long. The watercolor originals and art prints are now available on my website for purchase. [This painting below is one of my favourites mixed media - watercolor and ink, from 2021]
Watercolor and Ink, peonies
So here I am with my first blog post. While I have shared bits and pieces of my story on social media, those posts tend to disappear into the depths of the ever-scrolling feed. This blog will serve as a repository of my creative journey, allowing you to immerse yourself in my world whenever inspiration strikes. Don't forget to sign up to my email list for some awesome freebies as well as get notified every time I have a new blog post up for you.
Leave a comment to tell me a little about yourself as well as how you got to know of this blog, I would love to hear. :)
Until then, take care. 
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