A Glimpse Into My Life

My Early Years

Born and raised in Mumbai, India, I moved to Singapore with my family in 2011, after quitting my corporate job to be a full-time mother to my two amazing boys.

Art has been a part of me for as long as I could remember and I have always had a penchant for creativity.

I remember being an eight or nine year-old, happily dabbling in watercolour abstracts and having a marvellous time despite being completely clueless about the art!

Later, as a teen, I have memories of working on intricate embroidery on small projects that we were assigned in our school's needlework group.

The sheer joy I felt while being involved in this work ushered me towards getting professionally trained in fashion illustration and dressmaking.

For the following few years, I rejoiced in designing and sewing clothes for my neices and myself.

I also gave making custom cakes a whirl and savoured it while the phase lasted.

How This Started

Fast forward to July 2020, I stumbled across a free, online 5-day watercolour florals workshop.

During the workshop, we were encouraged to create an Instagram page, and I initiated my Instagram handle @all.things.watercolor (at the time) to share my work.

By the time the workshop ended, I was head over heels in love with watercolour florals and continued painting them persistently.

With time, I set in motion an entire community of people who loved and relished my art, along with a fantastic support system of my fellow artists.

As I kept painting, trying new techniques and upgrading my skills, I began developing a unique style of my own.

Finally, after two determined years of enhancing my craft, I was ready to let my art out in the world.

Consequently, my company, Andrea D'Signs, was established in 2022.

My Artistic Fervour

The fact that I rediscovered my love for watercolour art at such a stage in my life makes my journey as an artist even more remarkable.

Painting with watercolours happens to be a very stress-relieving and meditative practice for me as I can trace my fondness for flowers to my beautiful mother, who ensured our family home was adorned with fresh flowers every Sunday.

Even today, I try to uphold this tradition in my own home. I realise now, that my predilection for florals had already originated all those years ago, and it is from that very space that I manifest and pour my love for them into paper.

Here in Singapore, I drew inspiration from the glorious tropical outdoors.

I often visit the Flower Dome at Gardens by the Bay, which displays the most beautiful seasonal flowers imported from all over the world.

Seeing these flowers sparks my artistic fervour and stimulates me to paint.

To portray these enchanting subjects in my paintings bring me great joy.

I hope my art successfully evokes the same emotions within you when you see and experience my work.